
Fernando Rodriguez

About Me

I am a design and production student focusing on concept art, and Game design. Mu likes a re character creation, and landscapes. My favorite Genres are Fantasy and horror. My Faviorit games are Kingdome hearts 2, and Final Fantasy XIV.

Project Description

A Brief Designing bible Covering the story characters, and basic mechanics of a Game idea I created some semesters prior, and expanding on the base concept.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Give your self time to Complete projects, and some time to rest.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

A sketch book and Pens, has more use than simply sketching ideas.

What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

Being able to talk with like indid indivuduals and shareing ideas with others.

What’s on your music playlist?

Electric swing, and pop.

What’s your favorite memory of ATEC?

Simply being able to walk to class enjoying the quiet mornings, sipping on a cup of coffe.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Either working in a Good Game design studio such as toys For BOB, or Running my own little Indie Studio.