
Zaharah Kybett

About Me

Hello, my name is Zaharah Kybett. I have studied Design and Production with an interest in graphic design and creative marketing. I enjoy experimenting with different medias, and combining digital art with more traditional art forms. I am also really interested in cultures and traditions, and I like to include that in my art. Beside designing, I enjoy thrifting furniture to refurbish, collecting houseplants, and traveling with friends.

Project Description

Personas of Her are a series of narrative self-portraits focusing on my mixed race. Each photo was digitally altered to emphasize the ambiguity of my appearance. Along with a personal narrative, the portraits tell a story of the complexity of personality and personas.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

My planner or to-do list. I feel more encouraged and productive when I can check off all the tasks I’ve done and see my progress. I also tend to have snacks and candy on my desk, so I can have little rewards.

What’s on your music playlist?

My playlist is really eclectic, and I have a lot of different music in rotation. The genres I listen to the most are R&B/Soul and Pop music.