
Sky Pardieu

About Me

Hi, I’m Sky! I’m a 3D generalist and character designer with a love for games, creative writing, and long drives. I’ve lived in DFW my whole life, but I’m still finding hidden gems in the metroplex. As a sci-fi and fantasy enthusiast, I love using art to make worlds come to life. I enjoy every part of the animation pipeline, but character design and modeling have a special place in my heart. When I’m not hunched over my drawing tablet, I can be found in local cafes, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, or relaxing with my pets.

Project Description

Ocello is a fantasy character who I have designed, modeled, and textured along with props. This project is tailored towards action-adventure RPGs, which served as its inspiration.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

A cup of warm tea

What’s on your music playlist?

Anything really, I’m always searching for new genres and artists to keep things fresh. But some staples are definitely indie, rock and roll, and Japanese experimental