
Phil Mena

About Me

My name is Phil. I love playing guitar and video games, spending time with my dogs, and working on something in Photoshop before it inevitably crashes. I’ve been working as a contract graphic designer for a decade, and in that time completed projects including merch design, brand guidelines, and product catalogs. My time at UT Dallas has been immeasurably valuable and I’ve met lots of really wonderful folks here.

Project Description

These are brand guidelines for Mirrorbox, an (imaginary) online music festival with a focus on accessibility and featuring international artists. The glitch design aesthetic aims to emulate persisting through the disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Engage with your classmates! Find out what they’re interested in, what motivated them to pursue ATEC, and what they’re working on outside of class. This will create opportunities to get feedback on each others’ work and potentially lead to collaborating creators!

What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

Walking into the ATEC building and seeing some new art or design featured. I love to see the work of my peers on display and am often inspired by their process. Everyone’s art is coming from a unique perspective and it is heartening to be in a program that is bursting at the seams with so many thoughtful creatives.