
Naomi Mills

About Me

Hello! My name is Naomi. Over the last few years, the pandemic has given me plenty of time to experience and discover new hobbies. A few of the activities I enjoy doing include dancing, playing games like Genshin Impact, and (most recently) motion graphics! Despite being new to the field, I have found that I love creating simplistic motion designs and hope to continue developing these skills well after my graduation this Spring.

Project Description

Follow Mimi as she visits her cousin Bebe! Together, the two explore Bebe’s hometown and blog about the journey, collecting fun souvenirs and memories along the way.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

Something that’s always on my desk is a cup of Boba (usually oolong milk tea). It helps me stay energized for those late night work sessions.

What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

I’ll really miss just being on campus late at night by the fountains outside ATEC. I always thought this location was oddly calming at night and would frequently make my way there to destress before driving home.