
Suvi Chen

About Me

The life of a first generation immigrant is one of shifting identities, a struggle between traditions we are raised to know, and those of a new land. We see in part through lenses of those who came before, those who sacrificed much in hopes we would have a future. However, their traditions find themselves dulled by diffusion, as people become mainstream and our pasts become viewed as primitive, undesirable in favor of western normalcy.
But we may live both lives at once. My work celebrates a common story with our ancestors, through revived knowledge alongside various technologies, making it unclear when their tale ends and ours begins. Through this lens, we can liken our forefathers here with us. Forever immortalized.

Project Description

Memories of Kowloon is a 3d rendered environment which uses various referential images, as well as speculation, to approximate the internal visuals of Kowloon Walled City’s golden age.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

As someone who works almost exclusively on the floor, under a desk – nothing! I have no work desk.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In an ideal world, I see myself leading the charge towards a nationwide reclamation of culture. It’s very important to me and I’ve noticed that this era of globalization and diffusion, although good, just creates a bleak westernization and takes away what makes multiculturalism so special – we should embrace, honor our roots, and not let them remain liminal.
It’s a term I call ‘ethnofuturism’, where ancient cultural traditions follow us and thrive far into the future, on a cyberpunk or interstellar backdrop, influencing our values and technologies. Right now it’s only an art term, not this strange sociopolitical-technological definition I have here. Which means, at the very least, I could get a Wikipedia article!

Of course, that is, if I haven’t died by then!