
Sean Gardner

About Me

Hello, my name is Sean Gardner, and I am the web developer for Gardner’s Garden. The website is hosted on GoDaddy to help me conduct an Ethnographic study of my garden that I grew during the semester. You will get to learn and see the photos I took from my garden. I started my garden inside a seed starter which is a terrarium to keep my seeds warm. As it got warmer, I brought them outside onto my front porch. It was not an easy task, but I managed to take care of my plants during the semester. I hope you will learn something from my analysis on my garden.

Project Description

This webpage application is documented on gardening. I picked up gardening during the pandemic and helped me consider the obstacles to growing a garden. Gardening can be difficult without a proper technique but yields the best produce when done right.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

I came into the ATEC program as an animation student until I realized that it is a lot harder than it looks. Once I realized the difficulty, I continued my degree and found out that I am a student who likes to do research. Be prepared to find an interest in other things when you do not fit into your first choice.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

I always have my computer at hand and a pencil when I am working.