
Michael Bryce

About Me

Hello, my name is Sean Waters, and I like drawing cartooOOoons! In my free time, I enjoy working on personal projects such as comics, 2D animations, and games! Thanks to my years in ATEC, I can now add 3D animations to that list, so I’m very excited to see what other projects I will be able to start.

Project Description

“Bananas On Sale” is an animated short film about a monkey taking fruits from a fruit stand. The monkey gets caught stealing by the fruit stand owner and tries to run away. The animation aims to be humorous and entertaining.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Diversify your skills. It’s better to know how to do multiple different tasks than trying to learn how to master one specific task.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Probably behind some desk in some obscure office space, trying to meet deadlines and catch up on work. My face will be all droopy, drool will be constantly dripping from my mouth, I’d have grown a third hunch on my back, the little goblin under my desk will cut off another one of my toes to feast on. When the day is over I’ll rush home just to get stuck in traffic for an hour, then crawl into bed just so I can repeat this cycle of work over and over again until I kill over, or run out of toes.