
Alayna Wilson

About Me

Hi! My name is Alayna! I’m a digital artist and a game designer with a love for geology! I believe in having a can-do attitude and enjoy experimenting with new ways to reach my goals, whether it’s figuring out how to make my favorite foods from scratch, getting past that tricky level in a video game, or somehow managing to finish my assignments just in time for the turn-in. My interests in game design are in environment and world building as well as level design, and I hope to find a way to combine all of these skills in the future. When I have free time, I enjoy puzzle platformer games, drawing, writing, and hosting movie nights for my friends.

Project Description

My project is an exploration of cave geology and human interaction, specifically how it can be used to create interesting spaces for games. The environment aims to show how humans could potentially affect a natural cave area, and how this habitation can be shown in both large and small details.

What’s something that is always on your work desk?

Something that is always on my work desk is a stack of notecards and a pen! It doesn’t matter how many digital means I have for notes and sketching, nothing beats a notecard for those quick notes and reminders or mid-homework brainstorm sessions.

What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

The thing I’m going to miss most about UTD after graduation is being able to regularly take walks around campus and see all of my peers enjoying breaks between classes, outdoor events, and each other’s company! UTD has a beautiful campus, and I’m going to miss seeing it so lively, especially after it was empty for so long.