
Michelle Cadenas

About Me

Hi, my name is Michelle Cadenas!! I am a user interface designer who focuses on improving websites and applications. My goal is to bring my clients’ vision to life through web pages and various application software. Although my focus is in the UI/UX field, I also have a passion for motion graphics, 3D modeling, and photography. My artwork tends to be minimalistic, modern, and vibrant.

Project Description

3S is an e-commerce app designed for online shoppers. Users would be able to go through the process of shopping by browsing, liking an item, comparing products, and checking out. The deliverable for this project is an interactive prototype that was created using Adobe XD.

What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Always reach for your dreams, no matter how improbable they seem!

What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

I will miss being in class with my friends, walking through campus, and the great faculty I got to be around throughout the years.